⋆Welcome to Alpha Delta Pi⋆
The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi would like to warmly welcome you to the Delta Theta chapter at Valdosta State University! Alpha Delta Pi was founded on the principles of sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, and service to others. These are the key guidelines that the Delta Theta chapter is still committed to today.
Alpha Delta Pi is more than just an intelligent and outgoing group of women. We are a support system, a home away from home, and a family. The women of Alpha Delta Pi exemplify strong character of values and ethics, and also strive to maintain high academic responsibility. Our chapter provides opportunity and encouragement for our sisters through the motivation and support of one another. Because of this we are able to thrive as leaders, philanthropists, and scholars on Valdosta State’s campus and also in our community.
Our motto “We Live For Eachother” embodies the bonds of sisterhood shared between members and is something we live by everyday. The commitment to one another is something we hold closely to our hearts and gives life to our motto. We embrace our diverse differences because we share the common bond of strong sisterhood. Our journey of friendship began here but it continues to strengthen throughout the years, long after our college years are over.

President's Message

On behalf of the sisters of Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our official website. We are beyond grateful that you have taken the time to take a look at our website. My name is Laura Dresser and I currently serve as the President of Alpha Delta Pi at Valdosta State University. I went through formal recruitment in Fall 2015 and immediately fell in love with the ADPi sisterhood. I instantly felt connected to the women, their values and the organization as a whole.
Alpha Delta Pi was the first secret society for college women. In 1851, at Wesleyan College, the pillars of Alpha Delta Pi were created: leadership, scholarship, service to others, and sisterhood. The sisters of ADPi value leadership positions within the chapter and with other organizations; stay committed to academics and the classroom; and put forth extraordinary effort in supporting our philanthropy, The Ronald McDonald House, through philanthropic events and visits throughout the year as a sisterhood. Sisters build a bond through numerous sisterhood and different social events, like Mallard Ball or Derby Down South in the Spring and Black Diamond Formal in the Fall. We truly live by our motto, “We Live For Each Other.” I am so thankful to be part of such an influential sisterhood and I am beyond honored to serve as President for the “First, Finest and Forever!”
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website! If have you any questions, feel free to e-mail me at ltdresser@valdosta.edu. Pi Love and All Mine,
Laura Dresser