"Why I'm a Pi"

Why am I a Pi?.... It's crazy to think, but there are so many reasons and I'm not just saying that. I was raised in Valdosta so I knew a lot of girls in ADPI. I never really met them, but they seemed like the kind of girls I wanted to grow up to be. However once I went through recruitment, it was so much more than that. I talked to amazing girls who I'll never forget. It's like I knew them forever. While in Valdosta, I lived with my dad, and didn't really have a big family. When I stepped into ADPI, I felt like I had sisters that would support, love, strengthen and empower me. This was the big family I strive for and always wanted. It was home, the home I longed for. It's not perfect, but its my kind of perfect. The love is endless and I'll always love my alpha delta pizzle peeps no matter what!!! Pi love foreva
Alaina Lapham, PC' 16

When I came to Valdosta State I wasn't sure what I was looking for. I was a nervous young girl that didn't know anyone; little did I know I would soon turn into a woman of Alpha Delta Pi. On Bid Day of 2013, I found my second home. I was welcomed with open arms by so many amazing and beautiful women. The sisterhood of Alpha Delta Pi has brought so much joy to my life and is honestly indescribable. From finding the best big and little Diamond Sisters to finding my best friends and future bridesmaids. These past three years I have gone through the hardest times of my life and these girls have been there for me every step of the way. I have made the best memories through Alpha Delta Pi and I cannot wait to make many more. I am so honored to be a part of this sorority and I cannot believe I'm finally a senior💙 Pi love and all mine, Lexie

Lexie Miale, PC' 13
My very first party in recruitment was Alpha Delta Pi. As soon as I walked into the room, I was greeted by many familiar faces, but also many not-so-familiar faces that are now some of my very best friends! All of the girls were smiling and so happy about bringing new girls into their amazing sisterhood. I secretly knew from day 1 that I wanted ADPI to be my home. I have never made a better choice than choosing this group of girls, but ultimately, they chose me. For that, I will forever be thankful. I'm so ready to spend not only the next four years, but the rest of my life alongside my beautiful sisters! Because what could be better than belonging to the first, forever, finest? Pi Love, Cariana Spivey

Cariana Sprivey, PC' 15
There was no question to whether or not I wanted to go though recruitment, but when the time finally came, I was SO nervous! When I waked into the ΑΔΠ's room, I immediately felt right at home. The girls were so genuine and it was clear to me that they shared a sisterhood that I wanted to be a part of. I wanted to surround myself with positive, strong women who brought out the best in me, and I knew I found that in Alpha Delta Pi. Throughout the past year and a half, I have grown so much as a person, and I owe most of it to ADPi. I am so thankful for all of the true friendships I've made and the goals I've accomplished through Alpha Delta Pi. I'm so glad I'm a part of the First, Finest, and Forever. Pi love, Allison Hinson

Allison Hinson, PC' 14

Recruitment for me was something totally new. Being the first in my family to go through recruitment made me very nervous, but also very excited to get to experience something new. ADPI was the first room I went in and my nerves immediately went away! Each girl I talked too was so genuine and you could tell how much they loved being an ADPI. Each day it got clearer and clearer that I was where I was supposed to be! Opening my bid card and running out to my sisters is a feeling I will never forget. Being an ADPI has given me the opportunity to meet so many friends I never would have met if I had not gone through recruitment. I got the best pledge class, Big, and gained so many sisters through this process. I am forever grateful for the sisterhood I have with all these girls and all the memories I have made already in my first year!

Katie Humphries, PC' 16

Becoming a member of the Delta Theta chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at VSU two years ago has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. I ran home to the best letters and the greatest girls on Bid Day in 2015. My sisters have brought me so much happiness and joy over the past few years. I've made so many memories that I will cherish forever and I cannot wait to make many more with the girls I love. I've been fortunate enough to find my best friends, the most perfect big and little diamond sister, and a support system that i can always count on. I'm honored to represent this sorority and everything it stands for. Pi love and all of mine, Taylor Marie
Taylor Marie Griner, PC' 15

When I came to Valdosta State I only knew one other person so it was all very different to me. Going through Recruitment was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever been through. When I stepped into Adpi's room for the first time I immediately clicked with everyone I talked to. What really stood out to me in that room was how genuine and real everyone was. They made me feel like I was important to them like they truly wanted me to be there not because I was a legacy, but because they truly loved who I was as a person and that they saw something special in me. I have grown so much in this sorority and owe everything to Adpi. Being a part of this sorority has given me my bffs and future bridesmaids, an insane amount of good times, endless love and support, confidence, and has also made me a better leader. The girls of the Delta Theta chapter of Alpha Delta Pi are truly amazing people that rock my socks off and I'm thankful to know each and every one of them <3 Adpi will forever have a special place in my heart.
Boom Boom 4ever
Pi love, Delaney Muelle

Delaney Mueller, PC' 14

Going into recruitment I was unsure of what sisterhood I wanted to join. I walked into ADPi's room the first day and instantly felt a connection!! I was greeted by so many welcoming girls that were so excited to share their love of ADPi with me. Every conversation I had in ADPi's room was so easy, it felt like I had been talking to people I had known for years!! Running out to ADPi's letters on bid day is a memory I will forever cherish!! That day I ran out to some of my forever friends that I would've never met if it wasn't for ADPi! Being apart of the first and finest has taught me so much about not only myself, but also how to be a better version of myself. I am so thankful for all I have gained through ADPi! Pi love, Makenzie
Makenzie Shea, PC' 15

It was the last day of recruitment week, exhausted and filled with so many emotions I couldn't even decipher between. So I sat, mulling over a little white slip of paper telling me to chose one sisterhood over another to spend (what seemed like I kept telling myself) "the rest of my life with." As I reflected on the super busy week filled with smiling faces, (really) good smelling rooms, and trying to remember what made each room stand out to me over the rest? I took a breathe and remembered two things: 1. To pray that the Lord will make this decision for me, fill my heart with confidence, and write down one that will bear fruit in my life and 2. To join the sister hood that loved and reached out to everyone, because I surely have never been the girl to stick to "one clique", but instead to bring all of the different groups of people together to hang out as one. So I chose, turned the piece of paper in and walked away with newly found confidence, for the next day was bid day and I couldn't wait to see which color of letters I was going to be able to call home.
Alpha Delta Pi was the room full of girls that the Lord kept swinging my heart back to on that day. Everyone of the girls in the room seemed to hold a halo of confidence since the first day I walked in. I could tell they were humble leaders, filled with unfailing grace and optimism to not only their sisters, but for even other people, well outside of this sisterhood. Each girl made me feel supported upon being an athlete for our school. I was told during that week to choose the sisterhood that you could ask, "what would happen if you fell on your face in front of everyone in public." Although without question, I knew in my heart that instead of these girls just laughing at me they would actually be the girls to give me confidence to keep going if I had fallen on my face on the football field. This was my home and I knew it the moment I opened my eyes from prayer, on that last day of recruitment week. I wrote down the chapter I knew I wanted to surround myself with for (yes indeed) the rest of my life. The scripture John 13:7 states, Jesus replied "you do not realize now what I am doing, but one day you will understand," and it is not until now (starting my senior year) that I am able to see and understand why he sent me confidence within this sister hood over all others on that day. My sisters are not only my sisters within this sorority or even also my sisters in Christ, although they are literally my sisters for life and I couldn't be more proud to say that about the Delta Theta chapter of Alpha Delta Pi. ❤️