Potential New Members
Dear Potential New Members,
My name is Makenzie Shea, and I am Alpha Delta Pi at Valdosta State University's Recruitment and Marketing Vice President.​ I am so excited that you are going through the recruitment process here at VSU. Let me be the first to tell you how much we are looking forward to meeting each and every one of you! We can't wait to share what our sisterhood is all about! ​ADPi has been one of the greatest college experiences. I have made some of the most incredible bonds of friendship with my sisters. I am so thankful to guide you through recruitment week in Alpha Delta PI and really share what ADPi means to me in hopes that you will find a similar sisterhood experience. ​Formal Recruitment will begin August 2018. For more detailed information see our recruitment tab or head to the Valdosta State Greek life's website (link in the recruitment tab). Get excited girls!!! The best week of your life is in a few short weeks.​ Once again, I am beyond thrilled to meet you all and am excited for VSU Recruitment 2018! Welcome to Valdosta State University! Go G R E E K!!
Makenzie Shea
Recruitment and Marketing Vice President
Alaina Lapham
Formal Recruitment Chair